Design your Climate Career

$1,490 for an 8-week cohort

Value you’ll receive:

✓ Unique, design thinking-based coaching curriculum ($1,000 value)

✓ 12 hours of interactive group coaching workshops ($1,800 value)

✓ Full-year of upskilling access with 6+ programs ($500 value)

✓ 4 hours of 1:1 climate career coaching ($800 value)

✓ Alumni networking directory with opt-in for mentors and intro’s

✓ Weekly office hours, expert coffee chats, and community events

Total Value: $4,100

Please take 5 minutes to tell us a bit about yourself, and then you will be invited to book a 1:1 consultation with our team.

“The design thinking approach revolutionized my job search. Plus, I gained an invaluable network.”

Christine Kiernan

“A top-notch, transformative experience. Vibrant, supportive community. Diego is an exceptional instructor.”

Bill Leach


  • We combine both. An unparalleled 8-week climate career coaching cohort, plus one year of unlimited access to our self-paced upskilling app. That way you can both set direction for your career and bridge any skills gap.

  • We designed the program for two levels of commitment, depending on your time capacity. The "core" commitment is 5-6 hours per week. That said, participants can invest up to 10 hours for the "advanced" experience. The difference is in how much time you have available for perfecting the project work (including resumes and cover letters).

  • Design your Climate Career is a team coaching effort. Three of the top career coaches in climate -- collectively they have coached over a thousand professionals -- run the program. Diego Espinosa and Trish Kenlon deliver the video lectures each week. Diego manages the "Mindset" track which teaches the design thinking approach. Trish manages the "Toolkit" track which gives you concrete job search tools. Meanwhile, Yvonne Espinosa does the 1:1 coaching while both her and Diego run the Saturday training sessions.

  • Our climate competitors are all great! We should all succeed. That said, we focus on innovation and fresh approaches. Everything we do is different, and designed for your success. We offer a combination they don’t: a unique approach to career coaching, full one-year access for upskilling, multiple programs/roles; certification through portfolio reviews; an easy to use webapp that hosts our entire curriculum on-demand (not calendar-based); and upgrades for career/job search help and 1:1 coaching. 

  • After paying you'll receive on-boarding details plus access to the app. You can dive into upskilling right away, and of course join us for the on-boarding session, where you'll meet your cohort and start the career coaching program.

  • We’re a passionate, small, bootstrapped team of climate entrepreneurs who head up learning design, marketing, operations, tech, and partnerships. Our Founder, Diego Espinosa, is a Wharton-trained former BCG consultant, institutional portfolio manager, business school professional, and tech entrepreneur. Check us out on Linkedin to learn more. 

Have Questions?

Book a free 1:1 session with Yvonne Espinosa, our lead career coach