The Best Job Search Tool You Haven't Thought Of

By Diego Espinosa, CEO, Learning Designer & Co-founder of Voiz Academy

I've come across one of the biggest mysteries in business. It impacts millions of professionals, in and out of climate -- on personal and career levels. Read on to find out what it is (hint: design thinking 💡), and how it could be affecting you.

First my background is in business, tech, and mentoring. I went to Wharton, managed $billions, worked at BCG. Next I landed in tech, and absorbed the "lean start-up" playbook. Lately, I've coached hundreds on their own "playbook" for landing a climate job in business.

Professionals seem unaware of ubiquitous, modern business tool-kits when it comes to managing their careers. I'm talking about UX, fast prototyping, B2B marketing, digital marketing, lean canvas, agile, product roadmapping, content marketing. Much of that falls under the umbrella of "design thinking". All of it is non-negotiable for doing business effectively.

Why aren't those tools a part of career and leadership coaching in 2024? I did my research. I couldn't find examples (comment with some!). When I talk to tech people about this, their reaction tends to be, "Seems like a no-brainer."

How does this affect professionals? When it comes to career transitions, most people spray and pray. They don't do user research, don't address the hiring manager's pain point, don't have hooks, don't "prototype" the solution (you), lack an impactful CTA, exhibit fear of "failing fast", don't do content marketing, don't harmonize their messaging across marketing assets and channels.

Unfortunately, and maybe not surprisingly, ghosting results.

Design thinking is the most easy-to-use and widespread tool-kit I've encountered in my career. It's not just me that says so, it's countless organizations that spend big to train their teams on the practice. The apps on your phone, the ones on the app store, your phone itself, tens of millions of team members -- all use it.

I agree with the tech crowd. This is a no-brainer. It's time to start applying design thinking and other "modern" tools to our careers.

Curious about how to put design thinking to work? We designed a career coaching program that incorporates it. The next cohort starts September 14th! See what alumni had to say about their experience with the program:


Yvonne’s Weekly ESG and Sustainability Jobs - Aug 28