How Tech Can Fast-Track Your Climate Career—The 4 - Hour Approach

by Diego Espinosa, CEO & Learning Designer at Voiz Academy

A tech + climate upskilling thought-post! 💡I'll tie it to Reid Hoffman's (Linkedin Founder) thoughts about "transformational" upskilling below.

Bet you don't often think about how tech can speed your climate journey. I think about it every day. TBH, "edtech" tends to leave me cold. Much of it seems like someone's idea of how tech should teach people, rather than their idea of how people actually learn.

One of the key messages in Reid Hoffman's book is about "transformational learning". He and I agree -- this is a severely undervalued concept in career prep. If people absorbed it, their prep would accelerate.

Hoffman writes that a handful of hours of learning on a topic can be transformational. You don't know what something "is" until you experience it. Until then, not knowing hurts you. It blocks you from tying all of your previous experience and knowledge to understanding a skill -- like GHG accounting.

Tech allows you to navigate to key skill sets and engage in transformational learning. I argue that anyone thinking about investing in a cohort program -- often over $1500 -- should first use tech for the 4-hour approach.

How? You could totally self-guide by researching free content on-line. Beyond that, we've designed an app that helps you learn a key skill in 4 hour modules that include a real-world simulation. Either way, I can't emphasize it enough: transform before you spend, and you will arrive faster.

As a Founder, I'm proud of the tech our team has built. We used design thinking to create it, which means we solved for what you need, and how fast you need it. If you're interested, visit us at Voiz Academy and sign up for a demo! I think the light bulb(s) 💡💡💡 will go on.

In a future post, I'll talk about how AI comes into play, and that's something we've already started on (about a year ago) and that I'm also excited about.


Yvonne’s Weekly ESG and Sustainability Jobs - Sept 11th